Welcome Caly

Hi everyone! Today we would like to officially introduce you to Caly who joined us awhile ago as a contributing designer! We have been loving all her projects! So please join us and give a big warm welcome!
Hi! I’m Caly! I was born and raised in Northern California and now reside in Kansas City, Missouri. I have a doctorate in pharmacy, but left the corporate world to be a full-time cardmaker in 2019. I am a mom to 4 amazing kids (ages 7 to 17) and have a wonderfully supportive husband. In my free time, I love to bake, cook, sew, and read! I’m terrible at relaxation, so I’m constantly creating and I’m so grateful to be able to share it with you!
2 Responses
Lori Spitzer
Caly is one of my top-tier most favority cardmakers on social media. I am / have been delighted to see her with the M E brand. I adore virtually (no pun intended) every card Caly shares. Caly is also super-kind and makes a point to have dialogue (virtually) with her supporters.
These are terrific cards and love the M E critters! That X O coverplate die is to “die” for.
Lori S in PA
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Kathy Andrews
January 10, 2024
WELCOME to the Mama Elephant Team Caly. I can’t wait to see all your design ideas and creations. I’m not good at relaxing either and I love to Bake and Cook, and of course, craft whenever I have time. I love Mama Elephant; the company, their products and service. You’re on an absolutely great Team. Enjoy the experience. Happy Holidays.